Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Here is a video I made with my mom.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Once upon a time there was a pilot named Henry. He likes to fly Air France and go to Paris. One time when Air France was at Montreal his friend Ryan wanted to be a co-pilot and Henry said yes. When they were on the runway Henry said that Ryan could talk to the tower. Ryan said, "tower are we clear for takeoff?". We took off. When we were almost landing on the runway Henry said, "Ryan could you see the runway?". "Yes", said Ryan and they bumped. On the next flight back to Montreal, Henry said that Ryan can't be a co-pilot because he was too young so he sat in first class. When they landed, Ryan went to his parents and Ryan bought french fries.

How to be a pilot, author: Ryan Copnick, illustrator: Hannah Copnick

Hi My name is Ryan - I'm 9 and in Grade 3. My sister is Hannah, she's 7 and in Grade 1.

I'm going to write a blog about airplanes. Hope you like it!